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Blog #16


The Pedophile Effect

By Captain Garbarrassing | November 13, 2008

Recently, I received this email:

"Hey everybody,

I hope that this email finds everybody doing well, everything down here in Atlanta is going well, nothing really new to report except that I am growing a moustache. In addition to looking like a pedophile, I am raising money and awareness for prostate cancer. I have raised $670 so far and would appreciate any donation that you are willing to make. I have attached two embarrassing phone pics to give you an idea of what a skeez I look like. Please help make looking like dbag worth it and donate a few bucks, it is quick and easy to do on the website and prostate karma is always good to have. If you would like to support the cause please click on this link: Click to Donate.

Thanks guys, your prostate will thank you later."

This campaign to raise money is garbarrasing on so many levels. First of all, the last thing we really need right now, is to get more people looking like pedophiles. Second of all, I think this is a pretty lame way to get people to donate money for prostate cancer. People do run marathons and grow out their hair to raise money, but at least it doesn't make people look like statutory rapists. Moreover, with this, I fail to see the connection between growing your mustache and PROSTATE cancer. The only complement I am giving to the person who thought of this is that you did a good job drawing attention and getting people to ask "why the new look?". It is a great marketing strategy to raise money for prostate cancer, but that doesn't take away from the fact that you are still a huge asshole, for making people look ridiculous.

The thing is, I have no problem donating to causes like this one, but you better be damn sure I am not doing it because you grew a mustache. In fact, I am less likely to donate money to your cause if you grow out your mustache like a retard. Keep that in mind before you make a bad decision. If you want to donate to this cause, click here: Click to Donate. Until Next time.

-Captain G

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Comments (1)

I am a big fan of growing a mustache! Girls like it and it makes me feel warmer during the winter. However, the mustache in this picture is quite disturbing. I wouldn't trust this man if he was getting me to donate money to charity.
#1 - John - 11/13/2008 - 18:40
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